Michigan Journal Poll

Current Question

The semester is over and finals are complete. What grade do you give the MJ for this year?

Hover over pie piece for its description or view the legend below.

A 44%
B 21%
C 7%
D 3%
F 25%

This Michigan Journal poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, nor the public as a whole.

  1 - 15 of 44
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All Questions
The semester is over and finals are complete. What grade do you give the MJ for this year?
Should students be allowed to change their name on their Mcard?
Do you think the campus is prepared to deal with an emergency like the one at Viriginia Tech?
Should pet owners be able to sue pet food companies for their pet's death due to poisoned food?
Is Darfur represented enough in the media?
Do Arabs and Muslims speak out enough against violence in the Middle East?
Do you think hospitals should ban smoking on all premises?
Should pro athletes be able to admit they are gay?
Do you think global warming is a valid problem?
Do you think celebrities who go to rehab do so as a publicity stunt?
Do you think the proposed Michigan service tax is a good idea?
Do you think Cobo Hall should be expanded to accomodate the Auto Show?
Was the Big Ten embarassed this bowl season?
Is it acceptable to re-wrap and give away undesired gifts?
Do you think that OSU and Michigan should have a National Championship rematch?
  1 - 15 of 44
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The semester is over and finals are complete. What grade do you give the MJ for this year?
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